Saturday, January 4, 2014

What Have We Been Up To?

 I have finally had time to sit down and upload our pictures from our recent trip to Maui! So, I thought today I would show you what we have been up to. I know I've been saying how hectic this past month was, but things are finally starting to come back to "normal". I also want share some big updates from our little guy. He has reached a major milestone this week!

This is the resort where we stayed in Maui. I literally took this off the balcony of our hotel. It looks like a postcard! It was so beautiful & warm, which was a nice break from our normal 30 degree winter weather at home!

 My little man did so well on the plane ride & during the whole trip really. (I'm planning on posting about traveling with a toddler soon, so keep your eyes out!) Even though there was a 5 hour time difference from our normal time zone, he did great & slept pretty good too!

We had a blast! Definitely a trip to cross off the bucket list!

Once we got back home and things started to settle down, I was determined to get Maddox back into his normal routine. We had really been off schedule for almost a month and it was starting to show in his behavior. We had also decided it was time to get him sleeping in his own room. He had been sleeping in his crib in our room, but is such a light sleeper he would wake up if we even turned over at night. 

So, last week we moved his crib into his room, I did his normal night time routine (bath, he takes his vitamins, brushed his teeth,& read him a story) and I laid him in his crib and turned on a night light and told him "night,night" and I loved him. I walked out just leaving the door cracked a bit and in no more than 15 minutes he was asleep! And to beat it all he slept through the whole night only waking once, but going right back to sleep! He woke up at 7:30 am the next morning and said "All done!" Silly goose. Most parents are probably wondering what's the big deal? My child does that every night, but Maddox has just recently moved into his crib from co-sleeping, has just been weaned to one feeding a day with breastfeeding, and has woken up at least two times a night if not more since he was born! So, for him that was the best night sleep he had ever gotten! 

The next night he did even better! We did his night time routine, I laid him down right at 8 pm and he went right to sleep, didn't even fuss! He slept 11.5 hours straight & woke up at 7:30 am again and said "All done!" He now knows to say "night night" when he's ready for a nap or bedtime and goes to his room and I'll lay him down. I never would have dreamed this transition would have went so smoothly, that's why we never even attempted it!

Have you had to go through this transition with your children or did you put them in their own bed from Day 1? 
We've definitely learned the hard way what to do with our next baby! 

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