Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Cloth Diaper Series Day 2: Cloth Diaper Lingo

Cloth diapering basically comes with its own language and abbreviations. If you are just starting to look into cloth diapers you could become easily confused by all the different terms cloth diaper websites or Facebook groups use. It really wasn't until recently that I learned pretty much all of the cloth diapering terms. So I am going to give you a little glossary of all the terms/abbreviations you may come across in the cloth diapering world so to say! :)
Cloth Diapers (CD): diapers made out of natural or synthetic material...duh ok I really just want to give you the abbreviation for cloth diapers which is CD because that is on a lot of Facebook groups and that way you won't be confused like me and think they are talking about compact discs. 

Pocket Diaper: This is a diaper that has a pocket in the middle of the diaper where you can stuff an insert in. Usually the opening of the pocket is in the back. 

Pocket opening in the back.
All in One (AIO):This is a diaper that requires no stuffing. It is all one piece. These are typically the closest option to a disposable diaper. 
The inserts or flaps are sewn onto the diaper making it all one piece.
All in Two (AI2) or Hybrid Diaper:These diapers are a two part system. Generally you have a diaper cover and then an insert that you just lay inside the cover. After use, you would remove the insert, wipe the cover, and replace with a clean insert. They are called Hybrid as well because you can use an insert made out of cloth or a disposable/flushable insert. 
Part 1: Diaper Cover
Part 2: Insert
Flats:These are like the diapers our grandparents used to use. People still use them today because they are tried and true. Some options are Birdseye cotton, bamboo, or hemp. 
Prefolds:These are basically flats but already prefolded. These come in all kinds of varieties from bleached to unbleached. There are organic options and prefolds made of different materials such as cotton, bamboo, and hemp. 

Fitted:This is a diaper that is already folded up like a diaper. Most have snaps on them, but they still need a cover over them. So you would put on the fitted and then put on a diaper cover. 

PUL:This is what makes diapers and diaper covers waterproof. It's the shiny slick lining inside your diaper.  If this is cracked anywhere on your diaper it could cause leaks. 
Snappis:These precious babies are what have replaced diaper pins. They are rubbery and stretchy and have plastic claws to hold together a flat or prefold. They are safe and comfortable for your baby. 

The plastic claw
Doubler: This is an insert that you would stuff in your pocket diaper in addition to the normal insert to give you more absorbency. These can be made of microfiber, bamboo, hemp, etc. 
One Size (OS):This is a diaper that fits from birth to potty training. Generally 8-35lbs, but if you ask me they really don't start fitting good until 10-12lbs. 
Velcro, Aplix, or Hook and Loop:This is a type of closure on a cloth diaper. You either have snaps closure or Aplix closure (Velcro or hook and loop). All three of those terms can be interchangeable. 
This is an Aplix closure.

Now I'll give you some abbreviations commonly used on the Facebook buy,sell,trade groups because that's a language all its own!
ISO-in search of
FSOT-for sell or trade
FSO-for sell only
FTO-for trade only
PPD-paid postage domestic. This means shipping is included in the price of you live in their country so someone may price something $10ppd. 
HTF-hard to find. This is a diaper print or color that is hard to find. Generally these go for above retail. Yes cloth diapering for some is like collecting baseball cards.
CB-Cotton Babies (cottonbabies.com)

Hope this helps you guide your way through the cloth diaper websites and understand the terms being used!


*Disclaimer: I am in no way compensated or affiliated with the products, brands, or websites mentioned in this post. These are simply my personal favorites and opinions. :)

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