Saturday, December 20, 2014

Diligence Is Not My Strongest Quality

 Hello again! So things like this remind me of how diligence is not my strongest quality. I have the hardest time staying dedicated to things. I guess my attention span plays a good role in that. I had a friend in high school who literally carried the same Coach purse the whole 4 years we were in high school and I really admired her diligence to that purse. I think how many times you change purses says a lot about your diligence or attention span because me I switch purses/diaper bags ALL the time. So, anyway I'm back, but I can't make any promises as too long or frequent I'll post because life happens and I'm easily distracted! 😊 

I always feel like when I take breaks I spend a week just trying to play catch up, so I'm just going to make this update brief!
Natalie: She is now 3 months old, chunky, and teething. She is such a little blessing to our family and is definitely the calm child. She still sleeps soo good which I am so very thankful for. 

Maddox: He has just blossomed into this little boy that just says everything that's on his mind. The things he says just blows my mind sometimes because he just talks about things that I didn't even know he knew anything about. He has highs and lows everyday. He is definitely a two year old. He is such a good big brother. He likes to rock his sister while singing "Rocking my baby" (Aka Rock-a-bye Baby).  
Hopefully I can get back in the swing of my daily updates because that is so fun to look back on. I've contemplated getting into some vlogging too, but I have the worst country accent and can't stand to hear myself talk on video so that might not be a good idea haha. We will see! 


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