Saturday, August 30, 2014

Waiting On Baby

Things have been pretty low key around here the last few days. At my last doctor's appointment on Thursday I had not dilated anymore than the past 2 weeks (which I assumed because I hadn't had any contractions or cramping), so they set up for me to be induced on Wednesday if she doesn't come by then. I think she is waiting to come on Labor Day! :p I am not particularly looking forward to being induced because I intended on having a natural birth, so I am hoping in the next couple of days she makes up her mind to come on out! Tomorrow I will be officially 40 weeks, which I am thankful that the Lord has allowed me to carry this baby to full term. I have had more frequent braxton hicks contractions and some back and lower abdomen cramping the past few days, so maybe just maybe we are making a little more progress. Knowing there is a definite end date in sight has helped me relax a little bit so maybe now my body can focus on starting labor on its own.
This is how I feel right now!

Today, Maddox took a 3 hour nap, which is awesome for the first couple of hours and then by the third hour I start getting bored! Once I get everything cleaned up and done that I can't do while he is awake I have no idea what to do with myself! Being a mom is all I know anymore, but I love it! After his nap, we headed off to the store to buy some birthday presents for family and friends. We have 3 birthdays this week (Little Man's, my nephew, & my best friend's little girl), not counting Maddox's and soon Natalie's! So, we will be celebrating 5 birthdays this week, which is so great!
Maddox feeding the ducks at the park yesterday!

After we came home, we did the usual dinner, bath, read, and bed. I've been trying to be really consistent with putting Maddox down for his nap at 11am everyday and putting him to bed at 7pm every night to make sure he is on a good schedule when Natalie comes. 

Did your first child stay on their normal schedule even after a new baby came?


Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Anxiously Awaiting

Today and yesterday were good, normal days for Maddox and I. Poor Bryan has been working just about 7 days a weeks, all day for the last couple of weeks since he has started real estate and working his regular job too. We haven't seen much of him. Maddox has more than I have because he (thankfully) gets up with Maddox at 6:30 every morning and I usually sleep until he is about ready to leave at 8. I feel bad for not waking up earlier in the mornings, but I honestly don't think I would have the energy to make it through the day if I woke up any earlier at this point in pregnancy. Lugging around an extra 30+ pounds all day wears me out quick!

Yesterday, Maddox and I went to eat with my mom, sister, and niece and then spent the rest of the evening at my mom's house. Maddox went to bed as soon as we got home. He always plays hard at Mimi's house. 

Today, we stayed home all day except to go to the post office and run by the dollar store. I wanted to let Maddox pick out a few things to add to his Citrus Lane box to play with at the hospital when I have Natalie. It is going to be his special big brother box, so I'm hoping he forgets about what he picked out so it will seem new when he opens the box. 
His Citrus Lane box came with a set of Melissa & Doug wood blocks, which I had been wanting to get for him so that was great! It also came with some ice pack buddies, a really nice growth chart, and a bottle of organic lotion. Pretty good deal considering I only paid $9 this month! I left the block set in the box and then added what he picked out today which was:
-a sucker
-a car (of course)
-coloring/ activity book with crayons
-chocolate candy
Maddox's Big Brother Box
I will let my mom give it to him at the hospital to hopefully send the signal to him that we haven't forgot about him and he still so very special to us.

I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions all day. This evening they have been pretty frequent, but not painful. She has also slowed down on her activity level, but still moving good. Definitely having signs of imminent labor, but it still could be a while. I'm just getting to that point where I'm getting impatient, but I know the longer she stays in there the better. I just don't like that feeling of suspense of not knowing when I'll go into labor because it could be any minute or 2 weeks from now. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so hopefully I've made some progress!
Maddox decided to line all of his cars along the window

Did you get impatient at the end of your pregnancy?? I thought with the second I would be more patient!


Monday, August 18, 2014

More Days Like Today

Today was great! It was a very rainy day outside, but thankfully that didn't put a damper on my or Maddox's mood. Friday, Maddox and I had what I call a rough day. I was overly tired and he wanted to do everything he knew he wasn't supposed to do and would not listen to a word I said. We went for two long walks (him in his stroller) because that was the only thing that was making him happy. Basically, we were both cranky all day and I'm pretty sure I cried a few times (thank you pregnancy hormones!) and it was just not a normal day. 

Today however was a whole different story. He was so well behaved and my hormones weren't taking me on a roller coaster ride! He just wanted to love on me and give hugs and kisses and of course I soaked up every minute of it! 
My mom got him this new tool set toy that has a little power drill that he can screw in little bolts with and a little hammer to hammer the nails and it has provided him with hours of entertainment today. 
He loves his power drill!
I also pulled out his counting bears today that I got for him at the consignment sale. I was planning on saving them until we started his homeschool preschool next year, but I thought he would enjoy playing with them now. I got out his little colored stacking cups so he could match the colors, but he enjoyed pouring them back and forth which is also a great fine motor skill activity too.

He liked pouring them out and putting them back in the tub as well.

He did so well at sorting the colors!
The rain eventually let up long enough for us to go outside for a walk and to play a little. I've been trying to walk everyday now since Natalie's head isn't engaged yet. I'm hoping to move her on down now so it will be less I have to do during labor!

This verse has really been on my mind alot lately and I'm thankful because I definitely need some encouragement here at the end of my pregnancy. It is Isaiah 40:31. I keep thinking how I want Natalie to come now because I'm getting really uncomfortable, feeling weak, and I want to meet her, but this verse reminds me that if I wait on the Lord and his timing for her to come He will renew my strength. Also, He knows the best time for her to come and I need to be patient.
Isaiah 40:31
I had this verse highlighted right beside of it, Isaiah 41:10. I thought this is a great verse to remember when I am in labor! It's just a great verse in general too!

Isaiah 41:10
Maddox went right to sleep after I read his book to him, which is always amazing when he goes to bed without too much fuss! I'm going to wrap up the evening with some pregnancy yoga and try to get to bed at a decent hour!

On a side note: I saw on pinterest that to clean the inside of your microwave easier you microwave a bowl of water with a couple tablespoons of vinegar mixed in for 5 minutes and the caked on food and gunk will come right of when you wipe it with a towel, so I thought I'd give it a try. It worked amazing! I have never been able to clean out my microwave that easy! So, I just thought I'd share that tip!

What verses were encouraging to you during pregnancy or labor??


Sunday, August 17, 2014

Last Day of Work

Today is my last day of official "work" maybe forever. I'm excited to be starting this new chapter in my life of being a real, all the time stay at home mommy to 2 little ones, but I'm also a little sad to be leaving my job I've had for almost 4 years. Starting tomorrow Maddox and I will get to spend all day everyday together until Natalie is born, which I am excited about. 

Yesterday, Maddox and I rode along with Bryan to show some houses. It's nice for him to have a job now that we can join him every once in a while. Wewould have not seen him all day had we had not gone with him. 

I am 38 weeks today, so hopefully within the next two weeks we will have a baby! 

How did you pass the time while waiting to go into labor? 

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Cleaning Carpets

Today was another productive day! My mom came over and helped me shampoo my carpet and furniture! Our carpets are terribly stained, which has happened just over the past year since Maddox has become mobile. I thought the shampooer would bring it all out, but no luck. At least I know it is clean though even though it is still stained. We have talked about replacing the carpet for a while because the type of carpet we have is not very soft or easy to clean, but we decided we should wait until we decide to sell the house or our kids are no longer spilling things all the time! This is probably my least favorite kind of carpet, but we will make do for now. 

As clean as our poor carpet is going to get!

I have also been back in the cloth diaper buying market again these past few days. For some reason I never feel like I have enough. I'm always wanting to try something new. I bought a Bumgenius Freetime, which I got in the mail today and of course had to try it right away. It seemed to work really well, but I'll have to try it a few more times to see if it makes my favorites list. I also purchased a couple more Bumgenius newborn diapers off eBay. Smart Bottoms was having their seconds sale today so I purchased one of their AIO 3.1 diapers in Finch which is a real pretty gray with yellow snaps and their newborn AIO diaper in Ella.


I have never tried their products because they are rather pricey, but with the seconds sale they weren't too bad. So, now I'll have 10 newborn AIOs for those night time changes, which should get me through 2 nights that way I can still wash diapers every other day like I have been doing.

We finished our evening by going to our church's business meeting and then Maddox headed straight for bed as soon as we got home.

I am so glad to be getting things checked off my "to do" list. I just hope she arrives on time because I am getting so anxious and excited for her to be here!

A couple more pics from the day!

Maddox doing his favorite thing; playing with cars!
I accidentally beheaded my Willow Tree figurine:(

How many cloth diapers do you have in your stash? Obviously I am having a hard time finding the perfect "number"!


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Counting Down!

I am now counting down the days until Baby Natalie arrives! I am technically 37 weeks and 2 days, but I really think my due date is closer to what they originally thought which was August 26th which would make me 38 weeks today. I guess we will see which one ends up being more accurate soon!
I am in full on nesting mode now. We have everything we need bought, but I still have a few things I want to clean before she arrives such as our carpets and furniture. Over the last two days I have crossed off several things on my "to do" list. I washed all of the bedding on our bed, vacuumed out the car, and installed her carseat. My mom and step dad came and put some new blinds up in our master bedroom and the kids' room last night which was a huge help!

I have also been doing better at taking my vitamins everyday, especially my iron and drinking at least one cup of red raspberry leaf tea, which is supposed to help tone the uterus for labor & delivery and supposedly help speed things along once you are in labor. I've also started going for walks and doing prenatal yoga everyday. I should have been doing all of this the whole pregnancy, but now that the time is getting closer I am really kicking it into high gear.

We have been talking more and more to Maddox about his big sister coming and where she is going to sleep and where she will ride in their double stroller. He's been pretty fascinated with her little basket of diapers I'm keeping next to her Rock N Play beside our bed. He gets them out and says, "Sister's diapers!" I decided to put her AIO diapers beside the bed because I figured during the middle of the night I wont want to deal with prefolds and covers and the AIOs have they stay dry material so she won't feel wet while she is sleeping.

This month is flying by! I thought I would have all the time in the world to do these last minute things, but the month is almost half gone! I am just trying to savor every minute with Maddox because I know these will be his last few days as our only child! It is very bittersweet, but like they say: "Love doesn't divide, it only multiples!"


Monday, August 4, 2014


Today has been a terrible allergy/sinus day for Maddox and I. We both suffer from seasonal allergies, but today mine was accompanied by a terrible sinus headache. It was the kind that I was doing good to keep my eyes open, but we pressed on and had a good day anyway! We started off the day by going to see Cars at the movie theater. They have special day where they show older kids movies for free! He made it through most it, but we had to leave around his nap time. We came home and both of is took a long nap! Maddox slept almost 3 hours!

It felt nice having a mommy & son day where we didn't have anywhere we had to be and could just spend the day doing whatever we wanted! 
Tomorrow I will be volunteering at the consignment sale that I put Maddox's clothes in, which will be exciting to go ahead and "plan" out what I want to buy I Wednesday! 
I'll leave you with this cute picture of Maddox "sucking" a pacifier. He's never really used them. He just likes to play with them! lol
Do you like to shop consignment sales?? It's one of my favorite times a year!


Friday, August 1, 2014

Back to the Basics

Today was my last day of babysitting Little Man, which just feels like a huge weight off my chest! He is not a hard baby to watch, but he has trouble taking naps some days and I am just so used to having nap times to rest myself or get cleaning done. I am also slow as a sloth anymore so attending to 2 babies who both have important needs is very difficult. There's a reason not many people have children one year apart! 

Maddox and I also need to take this last month and have some good quality bonding time because this is the last time he will be my only child! I also need to take this time to really get his behavior in check because I haven't been as consistent as I should with disciplining him. 
Because I am slower than molasses now, my cleaning routine has went down the drain. I have been lucky to get the dishes from each meal cleaned up and the house to a manageable level, but I have not detailed cleaned in a long while until today! My cleaning nesting bug finally kicked in. So, today I have swept and scrubbed the floors and the kitchen and would have love to done more, but neither baby wanted to take a nap!
Starting next week when I am officially back down to just having Maddox during the day I am going to get back on my cleaning schedule. I want to get us back in a normal routine before Natalie comes because I have felt like it has been chaos around here for the last few weeks! I'd like a couple weeks of normal before it gets chaotic again! :)

When did your nesting bug kick in??
