Things have been pretty low key around here the last few days. At my last doctor's appointment on Thursday I had not dilated anymore than the past 2 weeks (which I assumed because I hadn't had any contractions or cramping), so they set up for me to be induced on Wednesday if she doesn't come by then. I think she is waiting to come on Labor Day! :p I am not particularly looking forward to being induced because I intended on having a natural birth, so I am hoping in the next couple of days she makes up her mind to come on out! Tomorrow I will be officially 40 weeks, which I am thankful that the Lord has allowed me to carry this baby to full term. I have had more frequent braxton hicks contractions and some back and lower abdomen cramping the past few days, so maybe just maybe we are making a little more progress. Knowing there is a definite end date in sight has helped me relax a little bit so maybe now my body can focus on starting labor on its own.
This is how I feel right now! |
Today, Maddox took a 3 hour nap, which is awesome for the first couple of hours and then by the third hour I start getting bored! Once I get everything cleaned up and done that I can't do while he is awake I have no idea what to do with myself! Being a mom is all I know anymore, but I love it! After his nap, we headed off to the store to buy some birthday presents for family and friends. We have 3 birthdays this week (Little Man's, my nephew, & my best friend's little girl), not counting Maddox's and soon Natalie's! So, we will be celebrating 5 birthdays this week, which is so great!
Maddox feeding the ducks at the park yesterday! |
After we came home, we did the usual dinner, bath, read, and bed. I've been trying to be really consistent with putting Maddox down for his nap at 11am everyday and putting him to bed at 7pm every night to make sure he is on a good schedule when Natalie comes.
Did your first child stay on their normal schedule even after a new baby came?
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