Thursday, April 26, 2018
Today was a busy busy day of redecorating our house! I worked on that all day, then we went to my mom’s. It was a very uneventful day which I appreciate more and more theses days but I will leave some picture below of how I decorated!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Shopping Spree!
Today was a good day, but definitely exhausting! We spent the whole day out and about! My main goal for today was to finally purchase some decor items for our home! We love in a beautiful farm house, but I have not done much in the way of decorating it so I thought I’d finally break down and buy some decor! To me spending money on home decor things seemed frivolous so no where we have lives have I ever had much decor, but we plan on staying at this home for a while Lord willing so I wanted to make it homey and cozy!

We walked a good mile around the park and through the woods. The kids thought it was a blast because they were going on adventure! We saw a ton of different of birds, geese, and ducks so I think it was successful homeschool day!

Now it’s time for bed!
Our first stop today though was the park while Bryan listed a home. The playground was soaked from the rain, so we decided to take a nature walk instead! Since we weren’t going to get to do our usual homeschool routine I thought we’d go Charlotte Mason/ Montessori style and have Nature School!
We walked a good mile around the park and through the woods. The kids thought it was a blast because they were going on adventure! We saw a ton of different of birds, geese, and ducks so I think it was successful homeschool day!
After that we went shopping at several home decor stores! The kids were troopers through all of that, but by the last store I knew we had pushed their limits! I still needed to run by the grocery store so they sat in the car with Bryan while I made a quick swing around the grocery store. I ended up going to Target too to get a lamp shade and ended up walking out with new sheets for our bed too! Here’s my haul for the day:
Clearly going with the farmhouse theme! We came home and brought everything inside and headed straight back out to church! Here’s the kids singing tonight:
Now it’s time for bed!
Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Rainy Days & Vintage Finds
Today was a super rainy day, which it’s been raining for quite some time now! It’s supposed to get sunny and in the 70s in the next few days!
I am so blessed to have this gorgeous view outside my kitchen window!

We had to hurry along through homeschool today because I had desk time at our real estate office. I had to go by the library and pick up some books I had on hold and I also wanted to go by a thrift store to look for some home decor items, but they were closed! So I just walked on down the street to an antique store that was so massive I didn’t even have time to look at everything! It was like sensory overload in there because everything was so neat! Clearly I haven’t been in many antique stores. I saw this canister set which I remembered my Nanny having so it brought back good memories!
During my desk time I printed off several things to help up our homeschool game! I really think Maddox needs to be working on sight words now because their are some words that just don’t make sense if you try to sound them out. I’d like him to be able to read an easy reader book independently by the end of the school year!
I also ordered a rug for our living room. We are getting ready to redecorate everything which will be fun, but probably challenging! I didn’t get home until almost 7pm so we hurried and ate dinner and put the kids to bed! Then, I was able to have my Bible time. I’m working on a “Read the Bible in a year” plan so I really don’t want to miss a day!
That’s all for today!
Monday, April 23, 2018
Z is for Zebra
Today was a busy but productive day! We started out the morning with homeschooling. This week we are working on the letter Z! I am trying to up my homeschool game this week because we have slacked off a lot since the beginning of the year! We cut out all of the crafts and read alouds and were just focusing on math and reading. I could tell that was making Maddox find school pretty boring, so I went and restocked up on some arts and crafts supplies and went to the library to pick up some books on Zebras!

We also read the first chapter of Farmer Boy & copies a sentence out of it! I think this will will help him with his reading & writing skills. Doing this reminded me of why I originally started homeschooling which was to give him a more hands on, practical way of learning! Not just sitting and doing work sheets the whole time! I love the whole nature schooling, unschooling, farm schooling, etc approach because it gives them real life application to what their learning. I feel like that better prepares them for adult hood and gives them real life skills they can use their whole life.

The kids were thrilled today when they got to paint and hear about African animals!
We also read the first chapter of Farmer Boy & copies a sentence out of it! I think this will will help him with his reading & writing skills. Doing this reminded me of why I originally started homeschooling which was to give him a more hands on, practical way of learning! Not just sitting and doing work sheets the whole time! I love the whole nature schooling, unschooling, farm schooling, etc approach because it gives them real life application to what their learning. I feel like that better prepares them for adult hood and gives them real life skills they can use their whole life.
I’ve really been getting the itch to decorate our home lately! Our house is such a beautiful farmhouse that I feel like it needs all those cute farmhouse decor pieces to complete it! Hopefully, we can start incorporating some new pieces soon!
Here’s what it looks like right now:
I started putting Canaan in his cloth diapers today and of course he went #2 in both of the ones he had on! Oh the joys! I still love the way they look though!
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Busy Sundays!
I didn’t even manage to take one picture today! Sunday’s are always so busy around here between church in the morning and church in the evening!
It seems like no matter how early we start getting ready we are always rushing out the door! I tried something different this morning and woke up at 6:30am to read my Bible, although I don’t know how successful it was. I have a hard time getting my brain to turn on that early in the morning to really study like I should. I’m still trying to find that right time to make that a priority in my day!
I actually did take one picture- it was of our dinner today! We have been loving these Home Chef meals. They are pretty labor intensive to cook, but it’s nice that they deliver all the ingredients to your door and they always taste like restaurant food!
Today with the kids was one of those days where I genuinely want to be nice, kind, & patient, but the tantrums some days get so out of hand I react not so nicely. I’m really praying the Lord will help me to be gentler with them in how I speak to them. Usually the problem lies with me and what I’ve got going on in my head! But, tomorrow is a new day & I pray I will be able to tackle it full force with kind, gentle, patient attitude! ;)
Saturday, April 21, 2018
Mom’s Day Out
Today was a gorgeous day! Finally weather in the 70’s! I spent most of the day away from the kids though because I had to show a house & then we had our church Ladies Banquet. It was such a beautiful banquet and such a good time of fellowship with ladies from our church!

Canaan was pretty into reading books with Aunt Debbie!

We had lots of yummy treats!
After the banquet I went to the library & Walmart to get some things for our homeschool next week. The theme is Z for Zebra so I wanted to pick up some books for that & also some arts and crafts supplies! I also picked up the book Farmer Boy at the library as our chapter book to read aloud! The kids have been loving watching Little House on the Prarie so I thought they would enjoy this book!
While I was away Bryan took the kids to his aunt & uncles house. They worked and played outside all day! By the time I got there they were pretty worn out!
Canaan was pretty into reading books with Aunt Debbie!
Then, we brought the kids home & put them to bed! I’m really trying to focus more on teaching the kids how to pray on their knees so that’s what we did before bed! I hope through praying together they can see the power of prayer & watch God work in their lives!
Friday, April 20, 2018
Old Love
Today was a pretty low key day! I’ve had so many crazy days lately that I’ve come to really enjoy and appreciate those routine days.

I started off the morning by getting my hair trimmed which ended up being more of a hair cut. I got 3 inches cut off my hair because the ends were so dead! I guess that’s what happens when you go 2 years without getting it trimmed or cut!
It was fairly warm so I hung our comforter over the porch to dry. I don’t miss many things from our old house but one thing I do miss is my clothes line. I really think hanging clothes on a line is therapeutic for the soul!
My goal over the next few days is to get back to reading more stories to the kids & playing with them at least a little while every day. Taking the time to do that I feel like takes my mind off of self & pours that energy into someone else. I know the kids would love that, but as adults I think we feel like whatever we have to do is more important than those things.
I did something a little crazy today & brought back out our cloth diapers. I put them away when Canaan was around 6 months old & sold a lot of them because honestly I didn’t want to deal with the poo! We switched to the Honest Company disposables and have loved them, but now that I’m trying to get back to the Simple life again I’m trying to remember what I did back then. And one of those things was cloth diapering! I still had some of my favorite prefolds and covers left so I washed those up so I can start using them again! I’ll probably still use the Honest diapers when we go out places, but I remember how using cloth diapers helped to slow me down & every time I changed a diaper it reminded me of the Simple life back in the old days before disposables!
For dinner, we had a Home Chef meal. This is our second week of doing these and I’ve really enjoyed them! This is Honey Mustard Pork Tenderloin.
We ended the evening by going to our church’s RU program. We love going there to help out those in addictions & strongholds & it’s also good for our own selves to learn & grow in Jesus!
I’m going to try to get more pictures of the kids tomorrow to add, but I’ll leave one at the bottom from a while ago. Tomorrow we have our church ladies banquet which will be nice! 
Thursday, April 19, 2018
Back to the Simple Life
Wow, has it been a hot minute since I have written a blog post!

I decided to revive this old blog back to its former glory of posting what we are up to everyday!
It’s been so neat to look back on memories from almost 4 years ago!
Our life seemed so simple back then! Now we have 3 kiddos & life seem so crazy! I’m really wanting to get back to those simpler times where stress and anxiety didn’t govern my days and I wasn’t SO addicted to my phone. I seem to have gotten quite short tempered since those days so a change is definitely in order! I thought this would be a good way to remember that there is good in everyday!
I will be back tomorrow to start up the daily blog posts again!
Here’s just a few things we’ve been up to recently:
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