Friday, August 1, 2014

Back to the Basics

Today was my last day of babysitting Little Man, which just feels like a huge weight off my chest! He is not a hard baby to watch, but he has trouble taking naps some days and I am just so used to having nap times to rest myself or get cleaning done. I am also slow as a sloth anymore so attending to 2 babies who both have important needs is very difficult. There's a reason not many people have children one year apart! 

Maddox and I also need to take this last month and have some good quality bonding time because this is the last time he will be my only child! I also need to take this time to really get his behavior in check because I haven't been as consistent as I should with disciplining him. 
Because I am slower than molasses now, my cleaning routine has went down the drain. I have been lucky to get the dishes from each meal cleaned up and the house to a manageable level, but I have not detailed cleaned in a long while until today! My cleaning nesting bug finally kicked in. So, today I have swept and scrubbed the floors and the kitchen and would have love to done more, but neither baby wanted to take a nap!
Starting next week when I am officially back down to just having Maddox during the day I am going to get back on my cleaning schedule. I want to get us back in a normal routine before Natalie comes because I have felt like it has been chaos around here for the last few weeks! I'd like a couple weeks of normal before it gets chaotic again! :)

When did your nesting bug kick in??


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