Thursday, October 2, 2014

Potty Training Day 4

I think we have come to a stand still in potty training. I let him lead the way today about when he needed to go, but I would remind him every 30 minutes. He never would tell me when he needed to go and we had several accidents, so I went back to making him go every 30 minutes. I think that is going to be our groove for a while because I learned today that 30 minutes is about how long he can hold it. I hope if we do it this way for a while he will eventually get the idea of what it feels like when he needs to go and will tell me.
Sporting his big boy underwear.

We had a pretty normal day today. I had to pull out the iPad today with a show to keep Maddox occupied so I could feed Natalie. I don't like to resort to electronics to occupy him, but he is going through a phase of wanting someone to play with him all the time. I need to get some activities that he can do on his own that I only pull out when I need to nurse so they always seem new and exciting. 
Milk coma :)
It was the perfect weather today so we got out for a walk. Bryan had to work for a little bit today, so I tried to have dinner ready when he got home. After dinner, I gave both kids a bath and go them both to bed while Bryan mowed our jungle we had growing outside. Mowing is apparently not on our high priority list and we are definitely not "keeping up with the Jones'" when it comes to having a manicured yard. Now we are trying to enjoy a little quiet before heading to bed.

What household duty do you tend to put off?


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