Friday, October 10, 2014

Rain,Rain Go Away

 It has been raining everyday for almost a week now. I wake up and think it's still really early in the morning because it's always so dark outside. 
I started the day today making eggs, bacon, and toast (my favorite breakfast) for Bryan, Maddox, and I. As I was throwing away the bacon pack after we had already ate I realized that it was out of date! We haven't had it long, so I never thought to check the date. So far no food poisoning so that's good. 
Bryan left for work as usual and Maddox and I played for a bit. It was a pretty usual day of playing, nursing, naps, & cleaning. Maddox has been a finicky eater lately, so I have tried to get a nutritious meal in him all day. He's a snacker right now. Hopefully it's just a phase that will pass soon. 
He wanted to wear his hat after he woke up from his nap. 
Sharing his beloved cars with sister. 

Maddox has really stepped into the big brother role. He puts her diapers in the pail for me, he gives her a pacifier (under close supervision), and for the moment he is happy to share his toys with her.  He's always asking to hold her or give her a kiss. He has done really well with his independent play today. Some days he constantly needs someone to play with him, but today was good. 

Maddox, Natalie, and I snuggled up in bed and watched some Blues Clues until it was time to fix dinner.

 Bryan had show some houses today so he didn't go to his other job. He came home just in time for dinner. After dinner we just let the mess sit for a bit because Maddox wanted to lay and our bed and watch his Blues Clues movie again. It was nice to have everyone all snuggled up! Bryan put Maddox to bed and is now cleaning up the dinner mess for me while I feed Natalie and debate cleaning up Maddox's toys. I usually like to "reset" the house for the next day, but sometimes I feel like cleaning up Maddox's toys is pointless because he tears them all back out as soon as he wakes up. Most nights I'll clean them up, but maybe not tonight haha. So there is out exciting day, but I've come to appreciate "normal" days. 

Do you have an everyday routine?


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