Tuesday, June 24, 2014

30 Weeks!

And the countdown begins! This week I am 30 weeks pregnant, which means only 10ish more weeks to go! I am so happy to be nearing the end to meet our baby girl, but it is also bittersweet because when I am not pregnant I miss being pregnant! So, I am just trying to enjoy these last few weeks even though I feel as big as a whale! :) 

Yesterday, Maddox and I had a great summer day at the pool. I always debate whether it is worth it to take him to the pool by myself because he can be alot to keep up with at times, but yesterday went great! The pool wasn't very busy and at times Maddox had the whole kiddie pool to himself. I also enjoyed taking him in the "big pool". There's nothing like the weightless feeling of being in the water when you are pregnant!

Eating a quick snack!

Today was a babysitting day which gave me the opportunity to catch up cleaning and laundry. Bryan came home on his lunch break so it was nice to have a little break in my day to get to talk to him and it also gave me a chance to do a few chores I can't do usually until Maddox goes to bed.
My snack for the day: Cucumbers with vinegar & salt. A pregnant woman's dream! :)
I also ordered 5 bumgenius xs or newborn AIO diapers, which I have been debating my whole pregnancy whether or not to get AIOs. Right now I have 24 newborn prefolds and 9 covers. I thought I would just go with that, but the more I got to thinking about how I needed some "easy" diapers for Bryan or if we were out and about I decided to go ahead and get a few AIOs. I'm definitely going to teach Bryan how to use prefolds and covers, but I know he will appreciate having a few diapers he can put on like disposables. I thought about going with Lil Joeys newborn AIOs by Rumparooz, but I have heard so many mixed reviews about them. Either people love them or hate them, so I decided to just go with bumgenius newborn diapers because their reviews were pretty consistent. I still may get a couple Lil Joeys just to see if I would like them or not.

What was your favorite snack when you were pregnant??


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