Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Baby Snuggles

If I could choose one day to sleep in as long as I wanted today would have been that day. It has been so rainy outside today. I knew as soon as I got up I was going to have to take a nap at some point. I think Maddox was on the same page to because he was ready for his nap an hour early today. After I put Maddox down for his nap Natalie and I snuggled up on the couch and also took a nap. I didn't get a real long nap in, but I got to rest at least for a couple hours which was exactly what I needed to get some energy on a dreary day. Natalie kept on sleeping while I fixed Maddox lunch and got some cleaning in. I had debated just taking a "lazy day", but I knew if I didn't keep up with my daily chores they would be twice as bad tomorrow. I actually cleaned a little more than I though I would. Sometimes once I get cleaning I go through a spurt and power clean as I like to call it.
She's a tummy sleeper. If shes laying on her side she rolls over to her tummy.
 I try to make sure she stays on her back at night.

Maddox has behaved pretty good the past couple of days thankfully. His biggest thing now is testing my limit. If he does something and I tell him not to, he will keep doing it to see my reaction. It's almost like he wants to see how long he can do it until I snap! lol Thankfully I know that is what he is doing and can keep my emotions out of it and eventually he gives up. Today his test for me was climbing on me. I was sitting in our big chair and instead of sitting beside me as he usually does he just kept climbing on top of me and him being a 30 pound toddler it is pretty painful to be stepped on. I kept telling him over and over he had to sit still or I'd have to put him down in the floor. This went on for about 20 minutes until he finally realized if I climb on mom, she's going to put me down. I wish I could say he learned his lesson and will never do that again, but I'm sure it won't be the last time. At least I was consistent and my hopes is that one day it will sink in that I mean what I say every time and that I'm going to follow through.

Bryan came home between jobs and cooked us all dinner and cleaned up the mess afterwards which is so great to get a little break. As Bryan was headed back to work we headed to my mom's for a bit. 
Maddox decided the tow truck needed a diaper.
Overall a good day! 


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