Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Finally Organic Beef!

Today was another rainy day. I'm glad we enjoyed yesterday as much as we could. The morning started off a little rough mainly because I was letting my emotions control me. So when Maddox would do something he wasn't supposed to I would get frustrated instead of looking at it as a opportunity to teach him. I always tell Bryan that you can let your emotions control you or you can control your emotions, but you have to intentionally decide to control your emotions. This morning I wasn't taking my own advice and I realized it pretty quickly so I decided just to hold my tongue until after nap time. I decided to cheer us  both up by making a pizza at 10:30am. We usually eat after his nap, but pizza makes us both happy lol.

Nap time is always a good reset for both Maddox and I. It gives me time to reflect on the morning and figure out what I need to do different and to get my emotions in check because I'm the adult and I have the ability of self control that he doesn't have yet. 

Happy boy!
We snacked and cleaned up the kitchen. Then we snuggled in bed and watched Blues Clues. His favorite thing right now is watching movies in our bed. We made a trip to the farmers market and they finally had organic beef! We haven't ate ground beef in a while because every time we go the vendors are always out. I probably should of stocked up on it, but I bought enough to last a couple weeks. We are now at my moms as usual on Tuesdays so I can catch up on my shows. 

What are your favorite farmers market finds?


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