Sunday, May 4, 2014

Busy Sundays

Sundays are always a busy day for us. Our day starts off getting ready for church, eating breakfast, and running out the door (usually late) to get to church by 10am. Why is it that getting out the door for church is harder than going anywhere else?? I know the solution to help us do better, but I am terrible at doing it consistently every week. This answer is on Saturday night lay everyone's clothes out and to pack the diaper bags and Bibles and have them laying at the door ready to go. We are always late because I can't decide what to where and I'm running around crazy trying to get Maddox's bag together! Not a good way to start the day. We actually did pretty good today and got there right on time!

We then went over to a friend's house who lives close to our church. We had some time to kill before going to my niece's 4th birthday at 3 p.m. Our friend's have 3 children and their 2nd child is only 22 hours (yes, hours) younger than Maddox so they always have fun playing together. We went to my niece's party where Maddox played even harder and got filled full of sweets! Maddox usually naps around 11 am everyday when we are home, but today he only had a small nap on the way to church (maybe 15 minutes) so I knew he was a ticking time bomb. Sure enough on the way home from the party he had a fabulous toddler meltdown.
He is definitely a routine type of guy. He likes his weekly routine of being home all day eating and napping at the same time. He will not nap outside of his normal 11 am naptime, which is good during the week, but it makes Sundays a little tricky because our worship service starts at 11!
Generally, I work at 4pm on Sundays, but I was off today for my niece's party which was nice!
We came home and I rested for just a few minutes and we are ending the day with some diaper laundry,meal planning, and Finding Nemo before bed.

I am trying to come up with healthy meal ideas for Maddox for this weeks grocery list, any suggestions??


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