Friday, May 9, 2014

"Highlights" of the Day

So, yesterday's blog post did not happen because I typically work Thursday evenings and Sunday evenings and last night I did not get home till after 11, which is a lot later than normal. This morning I woke up tired as I knew I would, but I knew I had to get up and get going because Little Man would be arriving soon. It's definitely been a pajama day all day today which I have been working really hard to get out of the habit of doing. I have found that I am much more productive when I put on "real" clothes right when I wake up, but that just did not happen today!

It was another pretty typical babysitting and routine housework. I try to purpose everyday though to make sure I take the time and sit down one on one with Maddox and play and really make sure I'm reaching his heart with some undivided attention. Small children really need at least 15-30 minutes a day of undivided attention. We usually play a shape sorting game or color sorting game, just something fun and educational!

One of my favorite midday snacks!
This is our new blender, which I snagged up yesterday at Walmart on clearance. It retails for about $60, but I got it for $27! We were in need of a new blender because I had let a friend borrow ours because we had really quit using it, but I've been finding so many good recipes that involve a blender lately that I was going to ask for it back. I kept hearing her say all the things they were still making in that blender so I didn't want to ask for it back knowing they still used it alot, so I figured I would just pick up a cheap one at Walmart that would do the job and I ended up finding this one! God reminded me of the verse that says if you let someone borrow something, do it without expecting a return. It's so wild and beyond my ability to comprehend sometimes how true God's Word and when we obey Him how He rewards us, like this little gem here!

Maddox managed to find a highlighter today and wrote all over himself with it. Thankfully, he just wrote on himself and a piece of paper, not on the furniture or carpet. He can dig out stuff you never knew you had sometimes, it's crazy! His new favorite "toy" now though is our Keurig coffee carousel. He likes to take out the little "K-Cups" and put them back and try to open them. He will sit and play with that thing as long as you will let him! 
It's hard to see in this picture, but he has highlighter all up and down his leg!
I finally got to try my new blender this evening by making Maddox some homemade fruit snacks. They turned out good! They are a little sour, but I'm sure Maddox won't care. I got the recipe  from Sarah on YouTube at Making Life Simple. She has some other great recipe's and cloth diapering tips on her channel that I love to watch! We ended the day with some tacos & Toy Story before bed!

What are some of your favorite blender recipes (smoothies, milkshakes, etc.)??


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