Tomorrow I will be 27 weeks pregnant! One more week and I will be officially in the third trimester! She is growing so fast and is very active. I think she is more active than Maddox was.
Yesterday was a pretty routine day. I babysat Little Man and we did our normal routine and I stayed in my PJs all day! Yesterday could have been summed up in one sentence and I didn't have a blog post idea planned, so I didn't bother with a post. I have been terrible lately for not taking pictures throughout the day lately! I love going back through my posts and looking at pictures for that day, but I never seem to remember to take any until it is too late.
Today was a little different than our usual day. Maddox went down for his nap a little later than usual and for the first time in a while I actually took a nap myself! I can feel the tiredness and fatigue starting to creep back in now that I'm getting bigger. We then went to the grocery store and managed to be under our budget this time, which when that happens I always wonder if that is going to be enough food to last 2 weeks. We didn't have to buy meat other than bacon since I bought so much the last couple of trips so that cut the price back pretty good.
I have found a cloth diaper buy,sell,trade group on Facebook and boy has that been a bad idea! I have bought 9 diapers off of there in the last 4 days! In my defense though they were all a great deal and I needed to add to my pocket stash because most of my pockets except 4 Bumgenius 4.0's were boy print. So, I bought 2 more Bumgenius 4.0's in Butternut, 6 Rumparooz, and 2 Charlie Bananas in pink and a butterfly print. I'll post pictures when they all come in. I was debating between Fuzzibunz Elites and Rumparooz OS pockets. I just kept hearing mixed reviews about Fuzzibunz and that the perfect size ones were better than the Elites, but I really wanted one size diapers to keep it simple. So, now for Natalie I'll have 6 Bumgenius 4.0, 6 Rumparooz OS pockets, and 2 Charlie Bananas OS pockets. I love Charlie Banana so if I find that I need more pockets than that I'll probably get more Charlie Bananas. I have never tried Rumparooz, but I'm getting 6 of them so I hope I like them! They are fairly expensive diapers at retail price so I hope that is a good indication of their quality. Also, what sold me on them is they have a 4 step rise so they get really tiny and will actually fit from birth because I decided against getting newborn AIOs. I also plan on using prefolds and covers from birth to potty training too, so I won't need a ton of pockets.
I'm going to try out the Rumparooz on Maddox when they get here and I strip them, so I'll post a review on them after I've used them a few times!
How did you cloth diaper your newborn??
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